01 September 2014

The Night Before

This is a super quick post because I needed to write somethings down, and it's late. This is my last night in the US for 112 days. In 24 hours I will be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on my way to experience something that I'm not entirely sure I want to.

I'm feeling a mix of emotions. I'm already dreading how much I'll miss my sisters, MB, my family (friends and family friends included in that). I'm anxious that I won't make any friends, or that my host family will hate me. I'm worried about not picking up the language and then flunking my classes. I'm worried about not being prepared enough. Last, I'm worried that I'm worrying too much.

Thankfully I have my friends, family and MB.  I realize that once I get there I am going to just fine. I need to remember that this is once in a lifetime, and that everyone who loves me will be waiting when I get back. I know that this experience is going to make me a better, stronger and more independent person. It'll make me a better friend, daughter, girlfriend, professional, sister, and person. I just need to get myself through these next couple of days and I'll be fine.

My grandparents come in less then a month. After that my parents will come. Before I know it Christmas will be here and I'll be back.

I wanted to write this because other students should know it's okay not to be off the walls excited to leave your entire life for four months. It's okay that you're nervous. What's not okay is to let your fears stop you from experiencing life. Right when you are scared to death, that's when you are going to find out so much about yourself.

One of my favorite quotes is: "I'm not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship" 

Another one is: "A quiet sea never made for a skillful sailor"

What quotes get you through big moments of change?

As you read this I am finishing packing, and on my way to the airport! Hopefully I can blog later this week. Good luck to all of those who start school tomorrow!



  1. Good luck, Ashley! I'm sure once you get past the shock and fear of being out of the country for so long, you'll have an amazing time!!

  2. It's going to be lifechanging! I'm so excited to see how it goes for you! STudy abroad is the best :)
